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Preliminary Osborn Site Concepts



The City of Leavenworth is exploring various concepts to create a future vision for the Osborn Property. The key objective for the Osborn Property is to create a vision that is community-based. Many ideas have been generated by the Leavenworth community as it envisions potential uses and activities that could occur at the Osborn Property. These uses were identified without limitations of cost, physical space, or other factors that could determine viability. They were in the trustiest sense a “Wish List” of possible desired uses for the site. From the Wish List of ideas, and based on community input, three site plan concepts were developed for community feedback during community events on June 10th, 11th, and 12th.  A survey was also conducted and available on this website during the month of June.


The preliminary concepts are currently being evaluated against survey responses with possible revisions to the concepts.  In August/September, the three concepts, as revised, will be presented to the Leavenworth City Council for consideration and determination of next steps.

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